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Troy, New York

TIGS Meeting Notes: March 17, 2011

Due to the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York City and various local events, attendance at this month’s TIGS meeting was sparse. Twelve members present, no guests.

President Kris Cooney acknowledged the passing of Treasurer, Lizette Strait’s mother and noted there will be no Treasurer’s report this month. TIGS currently has 235 list members. There has been moderate activity on the mailing list roll call. Facebook has 170 TIGS fans. Postings are welcome.

Project Update: The third interment book for St. Mary’s Cemetery in Troy has been received and Jeanne Keefe is coordinating the scanning process. Transcription work on the second book is still in process.

Membership Chair Update: Donna Vaughn reported that she randomly picks a few inactive members each month and touches base with them regarding TIGS activities.

Kris announced TIGS will have a table at “Irish Night” on August 9th at the Joe Bruno Stadium.

A trip to Scotland is in the planning process for April 2012. The current estimated price for a 10 day trip minus the cost of airfare is $1,689. Nine people are signed up for the trip. Chris will also look at the cost of a 9 day stay with airfare included.

Election of Officers: Gerri Sherri expressed interest in the President’s position and Tim Stone is a candidate for Vice President. The office of Secretary and Treasurer will be discussed with current officers Kathy McGrath and Lizette Strait. Donna Vaughn will remain as membership chair.

Next meetings: April 28 – Moscatello’s

May: A tour of the Community Arts Center will be held before the May meeting. Anyone interested in the tour must be at Woodside Church by 6 PM. Meeting to follow at Moscatello’s

June: TIGS meeting will feature a genealogy talk with Power Point presentation by Donna Vaughn.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Kelly Grimaldi

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