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TIGS Monthly Meeting Notes
March 2007

The regular monthly meeting of the Troy Irish Genealogy Society was held on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at the M.J.’s on the Avenue in North Troy, New York. The following individuals were in attendance:

Kris Ayotte
Kay Brearton
Jeanne Keefe
John McEneny
Joyce Musco
Lizette Strait
Donna K. Vaughn

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Donna Vaughn, President. The members were pleased to be joined by Jack McEneny, NYS Assemblyman from Albany. Mr. McEneny is a staunch supporter of genealogical research and has spoken often at meetings related to the history of Albany and the Irish in Albany. He shared some stories relating to his own genealogy research.

A motion was made by Jeanne Keefe and seconded by Kris Ayotte to approve the minutes of the February 15, 2007 meeting. The motion passed. The minutes have been published on the TIGS website.


There was no report from the President or Vice President. There was no report from the Secretary.

In the absence of the Treasurer, Cathy McGrath, Donna reported that the balance in the treasury is $507.76. Expenditures were made in the amount of $4.14 for postage and $96.30 for the TIGS banner. At the meeting a check for $2.32 was issued to Lizette Strait for purchasing the PVC pipe to be used to carry the new banner.

Webmaster, Jeanne Keefe, reported that everything is up to date on the web site. The ballot for voting on the proposed charter changes is up; Ed Dyer will be tallying the votes (9 votes to date).

Lizette Strait reported that there are currently 192 list members.


A copy of the proposed order form for TIGS T-shirts/sweatshirts, developed by Joyce Musco, was circulated to the members. We are awaiting further clarification concerning price and other details in regard to these sales.

The TIGS banner was displayed at the meeting. It will be carried at the Albany St. Patrick’s Day parade on Saturday. Instructions on assembly point and time of the parade were posted to the list.

Donna reported that the first issue of the newsletter has been published and the link has been made available to dues paying members. She has received excellent feedback from some of those who have read it. It is anticipated that newsletters will be published four times a year; the next issue would be in June. Articles are invited for inclusion in future issues. We exchanged newsletters with Heritage Hunters, as requested, for the purpose of collaboration.

Jeanne Keefe has obtained permission to use the Mountainview Firehouse for the Antiques Appraisal event. Kris and Jeanne are checking on the details.

Lizette is working on the poster board project and it should be ready at the next meeting. She will check vendors for the best price for poster board. A motion was made by Donna Vaughn and seconded by Jeanne Keefe and Kris Ayotte to approve the necessary expense for the poster board. The motion was approved. Lizette will also look into obtaining covering for the table to be used at the Irish Fest.


Kris is researching a trip to Ireland. She distributed surveys to those present to gauge the level of interest in a trip and to determine time of year, length of a trip, budget, etc.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 19 at 6:30 PM with the location to be determined by the number of prospective attendees.


A motion was made by Kris Ayotte and seconded by Jeanne Keefe to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved and the meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.

Following adjournment, the members enjoyed discussing local genealogy and related issues with Mr. McEneny.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Brearton, Secretary

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